Enhanced Stewardship, Conservation… and more!

The original goals of Woodlots were to enhance forest stewardship and permanent land conservation in the region. We have made substantial progress toward these goals, which you can see in more detail on the Evaluation and the Long Term page. However, the program has become so much more!
This program is nested within a larger Cold Hollow to Canada vision to maintain a resilient and connected ecosystem across the region that is supported through permanent protection, sustainable stewardship, and engaged local communities. This is where the program's original goals of land protection and stewardship come from.
You only:
SEE what you know
LOVE what you see
PROTECT what you love
-Adapted from Baba Dioum
However, perhaps the most notable results of the program are also those most difficult to measure. Landowners engaged in the program have told us that the program has empowered them, because they now have specific visions in mind for their forests–and the tools to achieve them. Some report that Woodlots has made forest ownership more affordable, because working as a team and pulling in partner organizations has allowed us to bring down the costs of non-commercial practices to individual landowners. Several have reported that they feel more connected to both their land and their community, because the peer-to-peer aspect of the program brings neighbors together over their shared love of the local landscape. As we move forward, we now recognize the benefits of incorporating these landowner-driven goals into the overall design of the program!